Thursday, July 27, 2006

Blogger Comment and TrackBack Trick

I have redesigned my blog again. I used to use templates from Gecko & Fly. They are free for individual use and I like their design. Because I know nothing about html coding and web design, and especially because I find it always boring to learn from reading books and online tutorials, I used their templates and learn from it at the same time. I've noticed the two web sites this and this also are providing good and free stuffs. Though this time I took the one from blogger itself and modified it a bit.

Another major change is that I switched back the comment box from Haloscan to Blogger. Although Haloscan is giving me a good service and I enjoy having an excellent time with her, I cannot completely run away from my old love. Some strong points about Blogger comment are that enabling Google back link so that I know who is linking my post, with Haloscan somehow I'm not seeing that back link in my post footer. And Blogger comment is compatible with coComment that make easy for my fellow bloggers to keep track of their comments on my posts*. Moreover most of the posts about how to hack and the tips and tricks of comment are based on blogger comment. And I want to try some.

But I've still liked to keep Haloscan's TrackBack system. So I googled to find how to do it and came up with one decent post explaining the process. In fact I just want to be confirmed whether it is possible to do so. Then I browse back to Haloscan auto-install for blogger page again and went through the steps untill I find their code for Blogger template, that is at step 4. Instead of procedding the following steps, I copied them to replace with Blogger comment code as mention in above article. After saving the template and republishing it, I checked the result. It works!

* update: I've jsut noticed Haloscan is also compatible with coComment. What the hell! Technology today is changing in minutes!

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Anonymous said...

For detailed walk through the process of adding Halocan Trackback to Blogger-hosted blogs without their default comment service, see Freshblog.

zerotopic said...

I've read a post. Your method is just so simple and straight forward that anyone interested should try it first. For me I'm happy with mine for the moment.