Saturday, June 03, 2006

Talking about AdSense

I assume some of you are not in favour of commercializing in the blog. I also agree with you some point. Seeing too many commercial make me sick. Sometimes it even make me turn away immedialely from such kind of page, especially graphic commercial stuff that make loading time considerably slow. But I do put one or two google text ads on my blog. I just take it for fun not seriously commercial. I like AdSense at some point. It put just relevant ads which I think is appealing and another way of catching readers eyes, at the same time you earn some $, of course. Isn't it fun? It is far more better than annoying pop-ups ads. AdSense also are suffering excessive use of ads block software like firefox extension adblock. I doubt AdSense can last for the long run. Please don't think I am making mainly money out of my blog. My blog is just my hobby, at least for the moment.


Anonymous said...

Yah abs correct! I agree with you. I put google ads abit for eye flavours and checking how it gonna be earned $.

Anonymous said...
